When you make the decision to put your home on the market, the key to achieving a successful outcome is to put aside emotion and look at your home from a buyer’s perspective. No matter how much you may love your home and be of the opinion that it looks fabulous, chances are there are certain things that can be tweaked to improve the end results. Whether a home is a fixer-upper or a newly renovated knockout, we firmly believe that both staging and styling is essential to obtaining the best results for all parties involved. In fact, we believe in it so much so that we have brought the service in-house to have complete control and make it available to all of our clients, completely free of charge. Here’s what you can expect from this complimentary service…

First, we visit the home in question and have a quick chat with our clients. In this initial discussion, we talk about who, realistically, the potential buyer might be and what their priorities are. Typically at this point, we give our clients the opportunity to mention what items of furniture etc. they are keeping and what’s going. From there, we make recommendations as to what needs to be done. This could involve decluttering, organizing, cleaning, getting rid of furniture and other household items. Although things like paint and repairs fall upon the homeowner, we take care of absolutely everything else and set up a schedule with clear deadlines and appointments so that everything happens in a timely manner.

Once we’ve gone through this initial step, our team has a meeting to come up with a strategy. We discuss things like what it’s going to take to sell the property in question, who that target market is, what the competition is, what is the look and feel of the demographic and so forth. Based on these discussions, we formulate a marketing strategy and that is what ultimately informs our staging and styling decisions.

When we begin, we first determine whether we can simply rearrange what’s already in the home or whether we need to bring in additional decorative items and furniture. We have a vast selection of on-point decorative pieces and furnishings in-house to suit a variety of styles and demographics. This collection is constantly being updated and added to, according to current trends. From there we style and arrange everything from countertops and shelves, to furniture, bedding, bathroom accessories – you name it! Then, as a finishing touch, regardless of the property in question, we add a key component… flowers, flowers, flowers! The last step of course, prior to in-person showings, is to capture the finished product on camera and film with one of our preferred professionals.

For us, the key to this entire process is to make it as simple as possible. The ultimate goal is to create a space that is clean and stylish but still allows for a potential buyer’s imagination to wonder. We want the buyer to be able to insert themselves and start dreaming about a future life in that home. The other essential piece to this puzzle is efficiency. Unlike most other real estate groups, our staging and styling services are completely in-house. This gives us total control over the speed at which this process takes place so that we can get your home on the market and ready to be seen by buyers as quickly as possible.