Getting Ready to Sell Your Home in Spring

Historically, springtime is a very busy time of year for real estate. The days are longer, the weather improves, gardens start to grow, people are simply out and about more and let’s face it, everything looks better with a bit of sunshine. While all these factors greatly improve your chances of selling your home for your desired price, it isn’t enough to just sit back and wait for the season to begin. In order to capitalize on this prime time of year, it’s a good idea to take a few steps in anticipation of listing your home….

Do a Post-Winter Assessment of Your Home

Winter in Toronto is particularly harsh and can wreak havoc on our homes so if you live in a house, it’s essential to take a stroll around the exterior of your home, particularly your front yard, and see what condition things are in. Things like your front path and driveway may be damaged by salt and appear somewhat more dimensional after months of water freezing and expanding. Paint also tends to take a beating and may be chipping and peeling. For condos, if you have a balcony or terrace, take a good look and make sure everything is in good repair. Chances are, at the very least, the railing and floors will need a good cleaning. Most of the issues you will find can easily be remedied but it’s a matter of catching them early enough so you can plan ahead and book appropriate trades. The earlier you book, the sooner we can get your home in shape to hit the market and create a buzz.

Get the Garden Ready

In addition to the house itself, the garden is also extremely important. Although the growing season may not be fully underway, it’s important to do a spring cleanup to show the garden’s potential in the months to come. For this, it’s worthwhile to have a gardening service come in and do a proper cleanup that includes removing any dead plants and debris, fertilizing and mulching garden beds. For condos with balconies, a simple potted plant or two could go a long way and bring some life to an urban space.

Make the Most of the Season

Whether you live in a condo or house, there are simple and inexpensive things you can do to improve appearances. We like to make the most of the season by taking advantage of the brighter days. Be sure to open your blinds and draw your curtains to create bright and airy spaces. If you have a house, it’s time to dump the birch-branch holiday urns by your front door and replace them with pansies, pussywillows, daffodils and the like. For condos, a vase or two of seasonal florals goes a long way. Take the time to open windows and air out your home too in order to get rid of the stuffy winter feeling and consider a diffuser or candle in a light non-offensive fragrance that’s seasonal and not overpowering. 

Accessorize Accordingly

If you’re looking to list your home ASAP, updates beyond simple repairs, painting and gardening are not realistic but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve appearances! It might simply be a question of a few accessories artfully styled on your shelves and countertops, a pillow or throw in an of-the-moment colour, or perhaps just rearranging your furniture in a way you never considered before. Our in-house styling team can do wonders with a few simple additions and re-arrangements. For rooms that are completely empty, our in-house staging is a great option and can be modified according to season and the target buyer.

Looking to list? Get in touch! We can’t wait to work with you.